International Dark Sky Association

The Astronomical League - For Observing Projects or ideas of how to get started

Space Weather - News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

NASA - Total Solar Eclipse Aug 21, 2017

Rose City Astronomers

Virtual Moon Atlas - a searchable moon atlas you can download for Free!

Dark SIte and Camp Site overlay map

Introduction to Occultations (Lunar and asteroid)

Constellation Name pronunciations

Cloudy Nights Astronomy Forum : A great resource for Astronomers of all levels. With forums for dozens of types of observing if you have
questions they will be able to help. : If you are interested in Getting Started in astronomy, Check out this helpful website on selecting telescopes
and some basic observing ideas.

Amateur astronomical spectroscopy RSPEC and the Star Analyser 100

Shelyak Instraments

Radio Meteor Live Stream

Space Weather

Solar Dynamics Observatory Data Page

GONG H-alpha Network Monitor

Colin White’s Space blog.

Rich Hodur’s website including DSO’s by night, month, or year.